Logotipo de Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología

Mexican Journal of Phytopathology

Logotipo Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología A.C.
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About the journal


The Mexican Jounal of Phytopathology is a journal edited by the Mexican Society of Phytopathology (SMF, for its acronym in spanish), open and non-profit publication. Its first publication was in 1966 under the name of 'Revista Fitopatología' and with semiannual publications, now with quarterly publications. The initial purpose of the magazine was “to report on the progress and problems of our specialty in the different states of Mexico, and to strengthen friendly and professional relations of all Mexican phytopathologists, so that together, phytopathologists, the problems of the SMF can be easier to defeat and the progress of Phytopathology accelerates” (Teliz-Ortíz and Dengado-Sánchez, 1966). Currently, the MJF has maintained its purpose, publishing uninterruptedly for more than 50 years, offering cutting-edge information in the area of Phytopathology in the country and in Latin America. The Mexican Journal of Phytopathology (MJF) is an international journal that currently publishes and distributes online quarterly through http ://rmf.smf.org.mx/. Online ISSN: 2007-8080.


Contribute to scientific development in the area of Phytopathology through the dissemination of knowledge through high-quality and cutting-edge publications, aimed at the progress of science in the country and Latin America.


To become a reference for scientific research in Mexico and Latin America in the area of Phytopathology and a representative means of scientific productivity at the service of society.

Editorial Tean

Editor in Chief

  • Dr. Gustavo Mora Aguilera

Technical Editor

  • Dra. Norma Ávila Alistac

Web Composition

  • M.C. Oscar Eder Flores Colorado

Senior Editors

  • Dra. Sylvia Patricia Fernández Pavía
  • Dra. Graciela Dolores Ávila Quezada
  • Dra. Irasema del Carmen Vargas Arispuro

International Editorial Advisory Board

  • Dr. Rodrigo Valverde, USA.
  • Dr. Sami Jorge Michereff, Br.
  • Dr. Miguel Dita Rodríguez, Br.
  • Dr. Vicente Febres, USA.

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