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Chemical composition of Tagetes hydrolates and in vitro and in vivo evaluation against disease associated fungi in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)

By Miguel Ángel Ruíz González, Miguel Ángel Serrato Cruz*, Ernestina Valadez Moctezuma, Roney Solano Vidal

* Corresponding Author. Email: / Institution: Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Accepted: 25/June/2024 – Published: 09/July/2024DOI: https://doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2401-5

Abstract Background/Objective. Aromatic plants contain chemical compounds with potential to formulate antifungal products. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition in hydrolates of Tagetes species and to evaluate their effect in vitro and in vivo against disease-associated fungi in strawberry.

Materials and Methods. The hydrolates of T. coronopifolia, T. minuta, T. parryi and T. terniflora were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometry. Hydrolates at 100, 75, 50 and 25 % and Promyl commercial fungicides were evaluated in vitro against Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Ridomil Gold against Phytophthora capsici. In the in vivo evaluation, strawberry plants sprayed with the hydrolates and 24 h later the plants were inoculated with 1 x 106 spore suspension. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Turkey’s means test (p ≤ 0.05).

Results. Monoterpenes were the major compounds in the four Tagetes species. T. parryi hydrolate in vitro totally inhibited the growth of B. cinerea being effective as a preventive treatment in the in vivo evaluation. F. oxysporum, P. capsici and R. solani were less susceptible to all the hydrolats.

Conclusion. T. parryi hydrolate can be applied as a preventative against B. cinerea on strawberry plants

Keywords: Fungal diseases, Fragaria, inhibition, antifungal

Figure 1. <em>Tagetes</em> parryi (Tp), <em>T. terniflora</em> (Tt), <em>T. coronopifolia</em>, (Tc) and <em>T. minuta</em> (Tm) hydrosol chromatograms, showing the peaks of the compounds identified
Figure 1. Tagetes parryi (Tp), T. terniflora (Tt), T. coronopifolia, (Tc) and T. minuta (Tm) hydrosol chromatograms, showing the peaks of the compounds identified
Figure 2. Incidence of <em>B. cinerea</em>, R. solani, <em>F. oxysporum</em> and <em>P. capsici</em> in strawberry fruits (A) and flowers (B) three days after their inoculation in control (TO) plants and treated with 100% <em>Tagetes</em> coronopifolia (H100C), <em>T. minuta</em> (H100M), <em>T. parryi</em> (H100P) <em>T. terniflora</em> hydrolates (H100T)
Figure 2. Incidence of B. cinerea, R. solani, F. oxysporum and P. capsici in strawberry fruits (A) and flowers (B) three days after their inoculation in control (TO) plants and treated with 100% Tagetes coronopifolia (H100C), T. minuta (H100M), T. parryi (H100P) T. terniflora hydrolates (H100T)
Table 1. Relative abundance (%) and Kovats indices (KI) ± standard deviation of chemical compounds found in <em>Tagetes</em> coronopifolia, <em>T. minuta</em>, <em>T. parryi</em> and <em>T. terniflora</em> hydrolates analyzed using GC/MSD
Table 1. Relative abundance (%) and Kovats indices (KI) ± standard deviation of chemical compounds found in Tagetes coronopifolia, T. minuta, T. parryi and T. terniflora hydrolates analyzed using GC/MSD
Table 2. Percentage of <em>in vitro</em> inhibition of fungus mycelia after applying <em>Tagetes</em> species hydrolates
Table 2. Percentage of in vitro inhibition of fungus mycelia after applying Tagetes species hydrolates