Logotipo de Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología

Mexican Journal of Phytopathology

Logotipo Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología A.C.
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Multidiscipline, a basic component of innovation in the biological control of plant pathogens

by Enrique Galindo

Accepted: 12/August/2023 – Published: 24/August/2023DOI: https://doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2308-1

Abstract […] View more.

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  • Scientific Article

Etiología de la mancha foliar en soya (Glycine max) en Sinaloa, México

by Iris Alejandrina Conzález Molotla, Rubén Félix Gastélum, Francisco Roberto Quiroz Figueroa

Accepted: 26/November/2019 – Published: 26/November/2019DOI: https://doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2207-1

Abstract Soybean is one of the most important legumes worldwide. In recent years, in the North of Sinaloa the incidence of a leaf spot has been observed at the growth stages of full seed and beginning maturity. The objective of the present study was to identify the causal agent of the disease. Symptomatic soybean leaflets were collected from eight commercial fields, from which eight fungal isolates were obtained and identified morphologically and molecularly. Pathogenicity tests were performed on soybean var. Nainari. The Koch postulates were fullfilled by the re-isolation of the original isolates from the inoculated plants. The morphological analyses determined the genus Curvularia associated to the soybean leaf spot. The phylogenetic analysis of the gene gapdh allowed the identification of Curvularia ahvazensis, C. muehlenbeckiae, C. spicifera and Curvularia sp. These species were pathogenic on soybean var. Nainari presenting variation in virulence since the area foliage diseased varied from 3 to 31%. The results open new research lines regarding the impact of the disease on yield and quality of soybean in Sinaloa. […] View more.

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