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Figure 1 - Plants with symptoms of necrosis and rot in the stem and root. A, B, and C) Cedrela odorata plants. D, E, and F) Swietenia macrophylla plants
Figure 2 - Symptoms manifested in tomato plants by ToBRFV grown in greenhouse. A) Tomato plants at 180 days after sowing showing high incidence of ToBRFV; B) Irregularities in fruit ripening; C) Plants in a state of collapse due to severe ToBRFV infection; D) Presence of mosaic patterns, mottling, and blistering on leaves.
Table 1 - In vitro inhibition of the mycelial growth of Sclerotium rolfsii, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The treatments shown are with aqueous extracts of 2, 4 and 6% Datura discolor root, seed and leaf, obtained by High Pressure Processing in two times 3 and 6
Figure 1 - Phylogenomic tree with the 123 studied type Bacillus species, where two main groups were identified: i) B. megaterium (pink color) and ii) B. subtilis (blue color)
Figure 1 - Evaluation of dahlia inulin in the protection of P. capsici infection in chili seedlings. a: Biological effectiveness test of dahlia inulin in chili seedlings, bar equivalent to 10 cm; b: Root damage, bar equivalent to 5 cm; c: Presence of the oomycete in chili roots, bar equivalent to 20 μm, arrows indicate oomycete presence. Treatments as follows: C: Control seedlings, treated with only sterile distilled water; P: Seedlings inoculated with P. capsici; I1+P: Seedlings inoculated with P. capsici and treated with 20 μM of inulin; I2+P: Seedlings inoculated with P. capsici and treated with 100 μM of inulin; I3+P: Seedlings inoculated with P. capsici and treated with 200 μM of inulin; I4+P: Seedlings inoculated with P. capsici and treated with 300 μM of inulin
Figure 1 - Morphology of Fusariun solani. A) Radial growth observed from the obverse of Petri dish in PDA after 7 days. B) Radial growth observed from the reverse of Petri dish. C) Macroconida observed at 50X without staining. D) Microconidia observed at 50X stained with cotton blue.
Multidiscipline, a basic component of innovation in the biological control of plant pathogens
by Enrique Galindo
Accepted: 12/August/2023 – Published: 24/August/2023 – DOI:
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